Pebbles of insight form a mountain of belief
As I read and listen my way through the incredible mountain of knowledge found in books, many times I stumble on great insights. I’m not the only one who does this of course, even middle school level language arts students take notes on their readings. Though those of us not being forced to read have the added benefit of genuinely caring about the insights which we find.
Most of the insights I find, strangely enough, don’t feel like I’m learning anything new. Instead it feels as though I am remembering something I already knew. I assume this is due to the fact that most practical insights are just that, practical. They tend to be very noticeable strategies or habits that many successful people follow, but that haven’t necessarily received a specific name. By hearing or reading a fellow human being give their perspective on life, we can be reminded of insights we’ve already had.
These reminders have power as well, for each time we are reminded of something we believe to be true, it is fortified within our minds. It might be wise then, to be sure to spend more of your time reminding yourself of the good things and less of the bad. Not digging yourself into a blind ignorance of sorts, but instead finding new ways to view the world. Even if these new ways are just reminders of what you already know to be true.
Fortifying your beliefs with the various perspectives you’ve learned enables you to stay steadfast in your ways when facing adversity. On a realistic level it will empower you will multiple ways to explain a solution to a problem to someone who may disbelieve you. On a more spiritual level you will be able to hold true to yourself when surrounded by naysayers with no hope of converting anyone’s beliefs. If you can be fortified in your beliefs than all that matters is that you believe.
Every pebble of insight you find adds to a pile of insights. Over time that pile grows to a mound. The mound to a hill, and the hill into a mountain. Moving piles is pretty easy, while mounds might take a few shovels. Hills can be tough to move, but with the right equipment we can carve through them. Mountains may be tunneled, but in all cases they are steadfast and unmovable except by the forces of nature and millennia.
What kind of pebbles will you be collecting?