Even if you’re a growth hacker, there are no shortcuts

Michael Eichenseer
2 min readMar 14, 2016


In the search for productivity, growth, and progress we are bombarded by solutions. Some solutions are being sold to us, others are being pressed upon us through others’ egos, and the most pleasing are being taught to us by those we trust. Solutions, no matter how attractive, still require action to be taken.

For the sake of avoiding discouragement, there tends to be a missing piece of information from this constant stream of solutions:

There are no shortcuts.

The new to do list app isn’t going to change your level of commitment. That new calendar app isn’t going to force you to schedule your time for others. The book you just read isn’t going to sprout legs, walk over to your computer, and dance on the keyboard until a blog post materializes itself fully edited.

It makes sense from a marketing perspective that these apps, motivational speakers, and “success” writers leave out the part about the actual work that must take place for their tools to help you. Even something a simple as an article of growth hacking tips inevitably boils down to being a quick fix pill designed to attract more clicks and views to a page.

The articles tend to be filled with tactics that worked for the person/business writing the article. The author’s tactics created measurable wins for themselves, so why wouldn’t it work for you? This is all well and good if the reader is running an identical business to the author. But even then you can only have so many copycats before market saturation.

But why not give these tips a try?

For those businesses who are different, but perhaps playing on the same platforms, the information may not be so relevant. The information inside of these articles could be misleading for a different business. And yet you clicked on the article because the promise was so good! There is always deeper knowledge to be gained from any article, but that does not mean the knowledge would help propel your business forward.

If those tips aren’t going to work, what am I supposed to do?

If you can’t find actual information regarding how to do what you want to do, great! You may have just guaranteed yourself a lack of market saturation. Sure it may be as Elon Musk says, “Staring into the abyss” without proper information to guide you, but the reward for learning yourself is remarkable.

Learning for yourself is the road less traveled, quite literally. There are benefits to be had from growth hack articles. But those benefits only come to those who were on the self learning path anyway. Those looking to copy and paste another strategy will likely see no benefit.

The ones who are looking for another tool to add to their belt. The ones who see copying as but a step on the path towards something that actually works. The ones willing to create their own solutions. Those are the ones who will inevitably find their way.

Those who are looking for a quick fix will be given the opportunity to learn that there are no shortcuts.



Michael Eichenseer
Michael Eichenseer

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